Understanding the Walleye Spawn

nharrington - April 13, 2020

To many walleye anglers, the spawn is one of the most discussed, but often misunderstood topics there is in fishing. The walleye spawn can generate a variety of discussions. While many of us are familiar with the discussion regarding the argument fo … read more

Opening Day

FishUSAStaff - April 7, 2020

Opening Day By: Cole Fails, FishUSA Marketing Intern I was 13 years old the first time my dad took me to Trout Camp. I had grown up fishing for trout on Elk Creek in Girard, PA. But this was different. This was my weekend with my dad and his f … read more

Smashing Spring Browns with Bay Rat

FishUSAStaff - April 1, 2020

Spring Brown Trout fishing provides Great Lakes trollers the early opportunity for fast action and lots of smiles. In the spring, Brown Trout congregate in the shallows looking for the warmest water they can find. Once found, you can lay the sma … read more

Get Out There and Start Fishing!

FishUSAStaff - March 25, 2020

by: Cole Fails, FishUSA Marketing Intern These are very- for lack of a better word - strange times in the world. Businesses are temporarily closing, schools are providing remote instruction, the list goes on and on... So here I am, a college … read more

It's All About the Water!

palex - February 24, 2020

We all know this for sure, fish need water and live in water. It's their home and one of the trickiest things for an angler to figure out is how changin water impacts their house. Most of us have heard that 90% of the fish, live in 10% of the wat … read more

How Predator/Prey Relationships Impact Ice Fishing

nharrington - February 17, 2020

Predator and prey relationships are not just something you see when the lion is chasing the gazelle on Animal Planet or National Geographic. They are all across the landscape. In fact, predator and prey relationships impact our fishing every time we … read more

Targeting Pre-Spawn Walleyes

jdietz - February 3, 2020

Intro One of the biggest events of the entire ice/open water season is the transitional movements of big prespawn walleyes. These fish are highly targeted by millions of anglers for their difficulty to catch, their fight, but most of all their ta … read more

Women in Fishing

skowalewski - January 20, 2020

Most men I encounter in the fishing world think it’s awesome that I am so involved in the fishing industry, but like any area there are those that aren’t as welcoming. It is sometimes hard to be seen as an equal being a woman in a male-dominated spo … read more

Basic Must Haves for Ice Fishing

jdietz - January 6, 2020

Introduction Have you ever tried to explain to someone what you do when you go fishing? Of course, you have, anyone that really fishes have tried to give that dialed down explanation of the gear, time and tactics that are all described by the ter … read more