Get Out There and Start Fishing!

By: FishUSAStaff

March 25, 2020

by: Cole Fails, FishUSA Marketing Intern

These are very- for lack of a better word - strange times in the world. Businesses are temporarily closing, schools are providing remote instruction, the list goes on and on... So here I am, a college student, FishUSA Marketing Intern, and lifetime angler sitting at my desk at home. it is currently day eight of "social distancing" and one of the biggest things it has allowed me to do is reflect.

The subject I have been reflecting on most is just what in the world I am supposed to do during this time. I still have college classes - online. I am working for FishUSA from home, but I have a ton of free time now that I am not traveling back and forth between school and work. So, what to do? Simple answer: Go fishing!

If you are an avid angler like me, you have already experienced the countless mental and physical benefits that fishing provides. In terms of mental benefits, fishing is a great way to relax. Everybody has to have at least one "secret spot" away from everyone else where you can go and just do your own thing.

As for physical benefits, the list goes on and on. You are walking around and being active while also doing something you love to do; you can't beat that. There have been countless studies done proving that being outside actually boosts your immune system and your body's ability to fight different diseases.

While reflecting, I decided to give FishUSA Ambassador, and Bass Fishing League's 2019 Angler of the Year, Jon Dietz, a call to get his thoughts on what's taking place. Coincidentally, he and I seem to be on the same page.

He agreed that this is a very unique time right now.

With that, it is also a very stressful time. He explained that there really isn’t a better way to cope with this than to just be outside. “Is the sun shining? Go get your vitamin D!” he said.

Throughout my conversation with Jon, one thing he said really stuck with me. If you are staying inside, you are likely around the same people, doing the same things, and, most of all, hanging around the same germs. “Go outside! Keep away from other people but go outside and get some fresh air,” he said. 

Jon also pointed out the growing problem of store shelves being empty. Well, it just so happens that it is panfish season. Go catch yourself a nice, fat crappie, take it home, and boom - dinner is served! While you’re at it, head over to the recipes section on to see some fellow anglers’ favorite ways to cook up that delicious fish you just brought home! So, not only do you now have some dinner, but you also have something to talk about.

Jake Schneider from the FishUSA Pro Shop

Along with reaching out to Jon, I also wanted to get some input from the guys at the FishUSA Pro Shop. Jake Schneider is a great dude with an immense amount of knowledge on the sport of fishing. When he isn’t working, he is fishing. And when he isn’t fishing, he’s working. That’s it. 

During my conversation with Jake, he had a lot of the same things to say that Jon did. People are cooped up at home, and, quite frankly, nobody is out fishing during one of the best times all year to fish in this region. Steelhead season is slowing down while the panfish fishing is heating up and the prespawn bass fishing is on fire. Jake has been taking full advantage of this time and putting countless fish in the boat.

So, maybe you’re not a huge angler, or you are just getting into the sport. Maybe you have been looking to get into the sport but have no idea where to start. Now is the perfect time to start! Look no further than FishUSA’s Angler Resources for countless articles, videos, “how-to” guides, fishing tips, and buying guides on just about anything and everything involving the sport of fishing. 

Need fishing gear? Head over to to check out our endless inventory of fishing essentials. From conventional freshwater and kayak fishing to fly fishing for every fish species you can name, our amazing team over at FishUSA is ready to assist you and get you out on the water! Low end, high end, mid-range...whatever you are looking for, we have it and continue to offer REEL Fast Shipping on all of your essentials. 

If you don’t really know what you are looking for and need some guidance outside of the articles on Angler Resources, head over to the FishUSA Forums and start up a conversation with anglers all over the world. You can also call our Customer Service Department, who are safely working from home, at 1.800.922.1219 and speak with one of our amazing representatives and they will point you in the right direction.

So, what’s the bottom line? Anglers, we’re all in this together. Get out there and start fishing! Go outside and get some fresh air all while experiencing what nature has to offer. Fire up the boat, load up the kayak, or throw your waders on and go hook into an absolute monster. 

While everyone here at FishUSA encourages fishing and getting outside, please continue to follow the Center for Disease Control’s recommendation of staying six feet apart from others, washing your hands as much as possible, and avoiding touching your face. 

Stay safe and happy fishing!